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A Stretch Workout for all Ages and Fitness Levels

Over  twenty  years ago,  former professional ballet dancer  Miranda  Esmonde-White (as pictured on left and featured on the PBS series Classical Stretch) created the  Essentrics®  technique—a dynamic  stretch workout  for all fitness levels  designed  to engage  all  650 muscles and 360 joints. The goal of the Essentrics Workout is to create a balanced body such that the strength in your muscles doesn’t inhibit your movement, and your mobility is enhanced by your strength. Essentrics dynamically combines strengthening and stretching to develop a strong, toned body with the complete ability of moving each joint and muscle freely and with full range of motion. For any age or fitness level, Essentrics will bring both strength and balance to your body!


Menu of Essentric Classes

Personal Training Instruction

Beginner to Advanced: Individualized Instruction with the traditional Essentrics Choreographed routine.

Virtual Group Classes

Beginner/Intermediate: Group Essentrics Fitness classes in the comfort of your home

Bridal Party Essentrics

Any level upon request: One day class or a group package of classes to help the bridal party relax and have excellent posture for the big day! Pricing based on size of bridal party & amount of classes. Contact for more details.

30 Minute Classes

Beginer/Intermediate: A standing/floor or Standing/barre Essentrics class that reaches all the muscle groups in a concise, fun work out.

1 Hour Classes

Intermediate to Advanced: A Standing/Floor, Standing/Barre or Standing/Floor/Barre routine that will strengthen and lengthen your entire body.

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